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Home & Family
in Enrichment
Basic Vehicle Maintenance
with Mitch Green

The course will cover routine maintenance, emergency preparedness and procedures,buyingpre-ownedvehicles and Maine winter vehicle preparation.
Finding Balance in Chaos
with Christopher and Paula Easton

What is chaos and why does it impact our lives? The answers vary and yet our energetic and emotional reactions are similar. This presentation will address the challenges as we negotiate the different perspectives of chaos.
Managing Your Woodlot - A Beginner's Course
with Merle Ring, Jr.

This class for Woodlot owners includes Tree identification, deeds and boundaries, timber harvesting, wildlife management, forestry taxes and regulations, and working with a consulting forester. The instructor is MerleRing, retired Maine Forest Service District Forester with 42 years of experience.
Fossil Fun
with Deb Johnson Maine Mineral & Gem Museum

How do you know what a T-Rex looks like? Fossils! Discover why Maine doesn’t have aT-rex fossil but does have a rare, six-foot, 390 million-year-old plant named Pertica as our official state fossil. Could a Wooly Mammoth have lived in your backyard? Hear about the woman who discovered Pterodactyls and something rude that she was NOT supposed to talk about! Examine real fossils and make your own fossil model to bring home. Presented by Deb Johnson from The Maine Mineral & Gem Museum.
Veterans Benefits
with Sarah L. Glynn, Esq.

Veterans! Come one – come all! Join usto learn about the three major departments within the Veterans Administration,with a focus on the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA). Types of VA benefits, qualifying requirements (eligibility criteria), and the claims process for each will be explained. The recently implemented PACT Act greatly expanded the scope of medical conditions that are “presumptively” connected to service in certain areas. Whether you’ve been “in the system” for a while, or have yet to access VA for benefits or healthcare, please attend and learn what is out there for you! Spouses of veterans are welcome as well.
Instant Piano
with Craig Coffman

In just a few hours, you can learn enough secrets of the trade to give youyears of musical enjoy- ment. Learnto play piano the way professionals dousing chords with this quick lecture/hands-on demon stration. Since this course includes an online book and with video lessons, you will be able to continue your practice and study on your own. An optional, periodic online question and answer session is also included in addition to a recording of the class.
Investing at Retirement
with Sarah Blondin

Nearing or entering retirement? Maybe you’re just thinking about it? Join us to learn how developing a customized strategy can assist you in identifying considerable risks to mitigate while making the most out of your benefits and assets. This can help you plan for a financially secure retirement!
Home Ownership
with TD Bank

Buying a home is one of the most important and exciting financial decisions aperson will make in their lifetime.This workshop will prepare participants to successfully chart a roadmap to home ownership. We will examine the benefits and realities of buying a home, evaluate how your credit and financial situation affects home lending, and explore the steps to the home loan process. Bring your biggest questions about the home buying process!